What Is The Phenomenon Of Post-traumatic Growth?

Some people are terrified and devastated when faced with adversity. For others, it is a unique process of personal growth. But what does one or the other mean? Keep reading to find out more about the post-traumatic growth phenomenon!
What is the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth?

No one wants to face unfortunate situations in their life. But sooner or later you will have to deal with your own painful experiences. The experience is devastating for some people, and it can even lead to health problems. While this event may lead to the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth for others. An experience that changes the course of life positively.

It is difficult to imagine how emotional trauma can bring anything positive. Nevertheless, there are many who manage to get through adversity, and thus experience a truly personal transformation. But what exactly is post-traumatic growth, and what factors are responsible for it?

Woman with flower.

The phenomenon of post-traumatic growth

You can define post-traumatic growth as the positive changes a person experiences as a result of a combat process from a traumatic event.

It does not just refer to the fact that an individual can overcome the adverse experience without developing relationships and restoring their original state. Post-traumatic growth involves a true transformation of the way a person perceives themselves.

After a negative experience, there is a perception of clear changes in the person’s perspective:

  • They assess their lives in one way or another, and this also gives a change in priorities.
  • Social relationships become more intimate and warm. Interpersonal bonds are strengthened in the face of adversity, and suffering helps to develop empathy and compassion. This happens, for example, when it comes to parents who have children with medical problems. Many of them report that they feel closer and more united after sharing this experience.
  • They experience a greater sense of personal strength. Thus, the traumatic event increases the person’s self-esteem, and the ability to cope with future adversity.
  • In addition, they discover and recognize new opportunities and paths in life. It often happens with individuals who once experienced very strict and oppressive roles. They also find opportunities to redirect life after the negative experience.
  • Finally, spiritual development takes place . Morality and spirituality are transformed. A new assessment of the value scale takes place, and a more transcendent life perspective develops.

A process of transformation

Note that this does not happen from one moment to the next, and it does not happen by chance or by a single happiness. Post-traumatic growth is a result of profound individual adjustment. In light of the traumatic experience, the most ingrained paradigms and cognitive arrangements destabilize. Their understanding of the world is shaken and their set of meanings challenged.

When it comes to meeting the new and painful reality, a process of deconstruction and reconstruction of the person’s perspectives and assumptions is set in motion. This makes these more positive and functional. This is because no one experiences post-traumatic growth as the same person. It is a journey of deep transformation.

However, it is not a painless path. Stress and negative emotions manifest themselves and remain present during the process. In addition, it is an indispensable element for growth to take place. So what makes some people come out of adversity stronger and transformed, while others fall into a dark pit with all the consequences?

Woman-with-post-traumatic growth.

A proper mastery style

Much of the difference depends on personality and temperament. Not everyone has the same degree of optimism, positivity and courage. Genetics and the environment most likely shape traits and abilities.

Thus, it is more likely that some use other useful and functional coping styles than others. Studies show that those who resort to reflective styles and emotional expressions to a greater extent experience post-traumatic growth.

If your current coping strategies cause you to experience endless pain in the face of adversity, and you feel helpless, consider changing your style. Everyone can develop coping skills that lead to increased self-esteem and optimism. Although you can not prevent negative or painful events from happening to you, you can benefit from post-traumatic growth and learn from each and every one of your bad experiences.

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