Values ​​and Their Significance For Our Relationship

Both parties in a relationship contribute values ​​that together constitute the basic values ​​of the relationship. If both share the same values, it forms a very good basis for the relationship.

All conditions are different, but sharing values ​​can improve and make the relationship both easier and healthier. Establishing certain common values ​​can lay the foundation for a stable and well-functioning relationship.

What exactly is a couple? In this context, we define a couple as two individuals who are in a loving and more or less formal relationship. But what are values ​​then? Values ​​are the positive qualities or virtues that each individual has. It is these values ​​that make a person stand out, that motivate them and control their actions. Values ​​can thus influence both interests and behavior.

Values ​​in a relationship

A study conducted by Medina et al. (2005) claims that both men and women are looking for someone who has the same needs as themselves; someone who is compatible with their main personality traits.

According to theories about how to choose a partner, people look for someone who has the same values ​​as themselves (Centers, 1975). Therefore, they also choose partners who often share economic, cultural and social traits and preferences (Rice, 1977).

To share a life project

Deciding what the common values ​​are in a relationship lays the foundation for what one needs to work on or improve. The behavior and expectations of each individual and those related to the couple are part of their belief system and social values ​​(Kaminsky, 1981).

The process of socialization can change over time as values ​​and social norms also change. It is therefore normal for human perceptions and behavior to also undergo certain changes (Diaz-Guerrero, 2003). In other words, the expectations, values ​​and inner behavior in a relationship will undergo changes (García-Meráz, 2007). This creates new parameters, influenced by a couple’s social setting (Snyder & Stukas, 1999).

Working together to improve the relationship and its values

Establishing a common set of values ​​for the relationship is a group effort. As we have previously mentioned, each person is different and thus each couple’s respective values ​​will also look different. However, there are some essential values ​​that most couples share. These values ​​are: love, loyalty, support, generosity, mutual respect and communication.


There are many forms of love, but they all share the same core. Telling someone that you love them is not the same as saying that you desire them. These subtleties begin in the infatuation stage and later transition into the more established feeling of love, followed by the cohabitation stage. It also encompasses the surprise of discovering the other person, of loving and reaching a level of stable, long-lasting and lasting love.


Loyalty can look different from one couple to another and depends on a common understanding. Each couple has their own form of commitment. Some couples are strictly monogamous, while others are not. As long as these agreements are complied with, loyalty is maintained.


Feeling supported, knowing that the other person will not let you down and will protect you and your interests, is something that makes you feel both braver and less vulnerable.

This is great as it allows you to feel stronger and able to confront anything and everyone. It’s about being empathetic with your partner, always trying to understand and expressing their support and unconditional love.


Believe it or not, but sometimes there is more selfishness than generosity in a relationship. For some, it can be difficult to be generous with their partner. They only know how to take care of themselves and their own needs, even as this in the eyes of many is unacceptable behavior.

Fortunately, there are many ways to be a generous partner and lover. It is best not to think too much of yourself, but instead try to put yourself in your partner’s place and try to understand their perspective, even when you disagree with them.


Mutual respect is a fundamental value in a relationship. Both parties must be on the same level.

It is about giving space to your partner so that he or she can be who he or she is, but also create a separate space for the relationship. Respect is also about fully accepting the other, without trying to change them.


A good relationship is a relationship where communication is secure, trusting and flows smoothly. Satire (1988) defines secure communication as the ability to express oneself in a direct, honest and respectful way.

In short, good communication with your partner means that you both have to commit to sharing disagreements, merits, defeats, goals, needs and many other things. Try to train your ability to do this. Good communication means healthy bonds, mutual respect, tenderness, love and commitment.

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