The Three Most Important Keys To Discipline In Japan

The three keys to discipline in Japan are order, cleanliness and punctuality. Read all about it here!
The three most important keys to discipline in Japan

In Japan, discipline is fundamental and must be instilled in children at an early age. Thanks to that and their sense of integrity, the Japanese maintain a sense of order.

Often, Western impressions are of Japan’s exquisite behavior. But what also catches our attention is how they position themselves in the world market by creating technology companies that are as solid as they are productive.

We also admire their ability to recover from adversity. They did so after World War II, and they also achieved it recently after the nuclear disaster Fukushima Daiichi. The typical Japanese is patient, resilient and disciplined.

In Japan, the need to contribute effectively to their work and the well-being of society is something that undoubtedly continues to attract the attention of the world and make people set high expectations for themselves. However, these high expectations have led to anxiety, stress and high suicide rates that continue to rise year after year.

Man balancing on boat.

The three keys to discipline in Japan

The Japanese language also attracts a lot of attention. It has expressions that do not exist in other languages. This is where they show the importance of recognizing others and their work. Phrases like “Otsukaresama desu” (thank you for your hard work) are, for example, a way of recognizing the work and efforts of others.

Therefore, discipline is the root that nourishes everything. Discipline helps to increase talent. In Japan, it is even more valued than intelligence.

Here are the three keys to discipline in Japan.


Organization allows us to save time and become more efficient. An organized house reflects harmony. A school where every teacher, student and staff has clear functions improves the efficiency of daily work.

The organization of an environment allows you to optimize tasks and respond quickly to challenges.

We can not ignore the fact that Japanese leaders are aware of almost every detail of daily tasks. For them, it is important that each individual fully commits to their work.

In Japan, organization is important.


In Japanese culture, cleaning is more than removing dust from places. It is also a way to bring balance to our lives. Marie Kondo’s method of organizing and cleaning houses is known to many. All the dirt and clutter affects well-being and the mind itself. Therefore, it is necessary to take some steps to bring harmony to our rooms.

In Japan, they use a method called 5S:

  • Seiri: Throw away what is not useful or desired.
  • Seiton: Everything must have an exclusive space.
  • Seiso: Each person, including children, is responsible for keeping all rooms clean.
  • Seiketsu: Has standardized cleaning standards and clear rules that can be understood by everyone.
  • Shitsuke: This term also means “discipline” and means applying the above on a daily basis.

In Japan, punctuality is important

Another key to discipline is punctuality. This term does not just mean that you should always be on time. Punctuality means being determined with our purpose, setting a goal and fulfilling it. It involves setting a number of daily goals and meeting them quickly and efficiently.

Sunset in Japan.

These dimensions lead to far too high expectations. In this connection, we know that many young adults under the age of 30 in Japan choose suicide when they fail to meet these expectations.

No one should go to such extremes when faced with oppressive demands that limit their freedom and quality of life. We should learn from the discipline of the Japanese people, but their values ​​must be used in the right measure in all contexts. We should be inspired by their integrity and resilience. However, we should not go to psychological extremes.

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