The Strange Feelings We All Feel From Time To Time

The strange feelings we all feel from time to time

There are a number of common emotions that we all feel from time to time. Fear, when something or someone threatens us. Anger, when someone hurts us or makes us feel bad. Joy, when someone says nice things to us. These are all everyday emotions we know well. Yet, from time to time, everyone has probably experienced the  strange emotions that can worry us.

The strange feelings are often very common

Just because they are strange does not mean that most of us have not felt them. On the contrary, many of us experience these strange feelings. What we can not explain is where they come from or why. And sometimes these strange feelings come at the worst possible times.

Today we are going to talk a little bit about these strange feelings that arise suddenly and leave us confused. Another thing that is strange about them is that they do not have specific names. That is why it is so important to describe them. There are seven of them:

A sudden and temporary loss of self-confidence

This is a troublesome feeling where a strong feeling of inferiority is combined with shame, frustration and shyness. In an instant, we can feel totally incompetent and worthless.

Strange emotions a teenage boy looks thoughtfully at his own reflection.l.

This feeling is often described as “feeling small”. It is this sudden feeling of lost self-esteem that you experience when you think that others are more competent than you. It is not that you necessarily feel threatened, but rather that you suddenly feel very vulnerable.

2. When you feel happy and sad at the same time

Another of the strange feelings arises when feelings of sadness and joy are mixed together. You can not even say how much you feel of each emotion, only that you feel both at the same time. You may feel like crying, both out of sadness and out of joy.

This feeling often occurs when we experience or reflect on something of great beauty. Maybe it’s a landscape or a work of art. It may also be that we see signs of danger or something that threatens something or someone we think is beautiful, like an exquisite flower whose leaf has begun to wither.

3. Everything goes too fast and you are about to miss a great opportunity

This is one of those strange feelings that often comes when we move between different phases of life. It is common to describe these feelings as a form of life crisis, such as the midlife crisis. During these periods, it is common to feel that time is passing too fast.

The strange feelings we feel sometimes

But it’s not just that. We also get the  feeling that we are missing out on a “golden opportunity”, although we can not always say exactly what kind of opportunity it is. It is as if we have lost the train and that it will never return. It is then that a certain form of anxiety, or the feeling that we have to hurry, arises. We must find a new opportunity that can replace the one we have missed.

4. Everything is going to be fine, even if it does not seem that way at the moment

This is one of those strange feelings that is at the same time very pleasant. We have all felt it at one time or another, and there is actually a word that describes it: pronoia. It is a technical term that means the opposite of paranoia .

Thanks to this feeling, we experience the world with hope and rediscovered optimism. We have a strong, internal feeling that tells us that everything will be OK. We also experience a strong belief that nothing can come between us and the path we are meant to walk. It is stronger than any of the obstacles we can foresee.

5. An overwhelming feeling of emptiness when someone visits us and then leaves

It is normal for us to feel sad when someone we love visits us and then leaves. However, there are situations when this feeling takes on extreme dimensions. This despite the fact that the person in question does not disappear forever.

Profile of a man looking out of a window

The person leaves and what is left is a pervasive feeling of emptiness that goes far into the soul. Sometimes we get the feeling that we will never see the person again, even if there is no good reason to believe this. We see it as a final goodbye, and it hurts. Fortunately, this feeling usually passes quickly.

6. The urge to throw yourself into nothingness when you are at great heights

Sometimes you feel the emptiness call to you when you are at great heights. In this moment , conflicting emotions arise as you both have the feeling of wanting to throw yourself into nothingness at the same time as you fear this feeling.

Some argue that it is one of those strange feelings that comes from our hidden need to “risk our lives.” In other words, we have a need to take unjustifiable risks and are confronted with great danger. In some cultures, this feeling is called “when the void calls”.

The desire to let go of all responsibility and let someone you love take care of you

This is another of the strange but pleasant feelings we can experience. It consists of a very strong desire to once again be a weak and needy child. It usually occurs when we are with someone who loves us and with whom we feel safe.

Man and woman relax

This is the desire to avoid worrying and take responsibility for their own lives, and rather let someone else take over. It is not a condition that lasts very long, but the feeling is very strong when it first comes. And you can actually stop thinking and give yourself over to another in these wonderful moments.

What all these strange feelings have in common is that they combine several basic emotions at the same time. This is why they often seem strange and this is also why they rarely last particularly long. They often come as suddenly as a flash of light and disappear again before we have time to properly reflect on them.

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