Money And Happiness Do Not Always Go Hand In Hand

Money and happiness do not always go hand in hand

Imma Puig has a degree in clinical psychology and teaches at the Human Resources Department at IESE Business School . However, her biggest step towards fame is that she has controlled the egos of the FC Barcelona players for the last 15 years. And she has something interesting to say about it. Despite their fat paychecks, she explains that they go through the same emotional ups and downs that we do. Money and happiness do not always go hand in hand.

These 15 years she has worked with players like Iniesta, Messi and Suarez. She has been surrounded by people who earn more in a year than we ordinary “mortals” can dream of earning throughout a lifetime. She has realized that how much we have in the bank does not help the loss of how we control our emotions. 

To see exactly how much happens to people through their relationships and relationships, you need to get to know them. And that job is like climbing a mountain. There are two paths: a long and easy one, and a shorter but more difficult one.

Jealousy, envy, anger and sadness affect both the poor and the rich. We must understand personal relationships, emotional control and progress if we want to get to the bottom of this.

Money and happiness?

Money and happiness do not always go hand in hand

We live in a society where there may be too many people who always make it “fantastic”. We love to project an artificial image of ourselves that defies all emotional logic. It is almost impossible that we will achieve amazing success in money, beauty, health and love at the same time. False happiness is one of the saddest things there is. The connection between money and happiness is often a myth.

Many people go to therapy because they still feel sad even though everything in their lives is going well. They feel a void in their lives and they just do not know why or what it comes from . Many of these people are not aware that sadness is a part of our lives. This emotion has survived decades of evolution because it has an important job.

On the other hand, there are people who no one will argue have a perfect life. They also do not have very full bank accounts. But, they do not feel the same emptiness these others are talking about.

There is no one on this earth, no matter how much money they have, who can be happy all the time and live a life free of problems. Often it is quite the opposite. The more money you have, the more problems it will bring you.

In this sense, true success may consist in achieving what you really want, and happiness in wanting what we want to achieve. Again, the connection between money and happiness is a weak one.

The key to happiness does not come in the form of money

Emotions are not linked to our bank statements

Misunderstand us right, having some money in the bank can certainly help . But the truth is that most people will prefer love to money any day of the week, as long as their basic needs are met. Money and happiness? The truth is closer to money or happiness, in many cases.

There are people who always seem to live on the wave top. We admire these successful people. But, still, they go through the same difficult situations, like losing someone they love, as those who are not as successful in life. Successful people can also be sad, lonely, discouraged, and even depressed.

We cannot link our emotions to our bank statement. Just as we cannot link money and happiness together. All you need to do is look at people who have amassed large fortunes to see that money does not protect anyone from mental health issues, or relationship and relationship issues. In fact, the number of celebrities with serious problems is very high.

It becomes easier to see that the idea that fame and money bring happiness is questionable when we look at just how many well-known celebrities have struggled with depression or other disorders. So we can argue that having a bank balance most of us can only dream of, does not mean that you automatically also have a good emotional balance. In many cases, it is actually quite the opposite: total emotional instability. As we can clearly see, our emotions are not linked to our bank account.

A smile is worth more than you know

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