Humanity Is Born In Every Child

Humanity is born in every child

The help that humanity needs can only come from children. It is and will be they who write the future. Humanity is born in every child, and therefore we can not treat children as second-class citizens. The way we treat them shapes their personality.

We must treat childhood and children with great respect. Remember that a piece of humanity is formed in each and every one of them. Kindness, joy, compassion and empathy can flourish within every child. But there can be hatred, anger and revenge. Therefore, we need to know what to encourage them to become healthy and happy adults.

Childhood must be an age we value. We need to talk about the need to change the way we raise children, because the first years of life have a major impact on the development of their character.

Children under the sun

Childhood, the holy age

Adults tend to educate children without understanding them. We dismiss everything they do that we do not understand as “childish”. What we should do instead is identify and respect the child’s feelings and emotions so that we can understand what is happening.

Sometimes we do not know how to get and hold a child’s attention. One reason for this is that the child’s cortex is not sufficiently developed to be able to register and follow a large number of commands. We can call the child or punish him for disobeying, but it is we who make mistakes. You can not set too many limits for a small child, or give them too many orders to follow.

Emotional self-regulation in adults is the key to raising children. We must remember that children learn to respond to certain situations by observing our behavior. So, not only do we need to raise our children but also ourselves. Self-regulation ensures a balance between restraining oneself and indulgence. In the past, society tended to set too many boundaries for children. On the other hand, it seems that we do not give them enough limits, and we see the negative results.

Children out

Boundaries should mostly not be meant as punishment, nor should we set them when we feel very strong emotions. It is important to be consistent when talking to children, no matter what our feelings tell us. Emotions such as anger or rage are not a good influence when it comes to setting boundaries or deciding a punishment.

Humanity is born in every child: The first years of life have an important impact on the child’s personality

Early childhood, up to three years, can be considered the foundation of human life. During these years, we lay the foundation for disorders such as depression, bipolarity or psychosis. On the other hand, skills and abilities that protect us from these diagnoses are established in the same time period. Therefore, we might say that childhood is sacred. The younger the child, the more sacred it is.

Many parents do not begin to pay attention to their child’s development until early adolescence. We talked earlier about parents setting too many boundaries for their children. Well, we also see the opposite – parents who do not set any boundaries or give their child any responsibility until they are teenagers. At that time, it will be very difficult to set boundaries if we have not already started. Usually, adolescence is when children usually begin to rebel against their parents.

Children on trains

We can not just educate children on a cognitive and intellectual level. Their emotional development is very important. We must take care to raise and educate children today. Our hope, hope for the future, lies in them. So, do not forget that humanity is born in every child.

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