How To Become The Person You Want To Be

Are you who you want to be? Or are you the one everyone else wants you to be? There comes a time when you have to decide, and that step requires more than just courage or self-confidence. You need a plan and a strategy. Let’s take a closer look at this!
How to become the person you want to be

Owner of your own business. Astronomer. Someone who is independent and confident. College professor. Influences. Sports coach. A happier and more fulfilled person. Each person follows their own dreams with colors and shapes only they understand. What about you? How can you become the person you want to be? Where should you start?

Life goals, as desired, do not appear by snapping your fingers or just by saying a few magic words. We all know that growth and personal improvement is a process that not everyone is ready for. Why? Because, to achieve some life goals, the idea of ​​”Trust yourself and you know the way” is not enough.

Becoming your ideal person, achieving your dream life and being able to show the personality traits you long for requires an inner transformation. It’s a process where you change little by little to let the best version of yourself come out. It involves the ability to gradually reach what you want to achieve. This is where you do not give up, but rather continue to work towards the dream every day.

All of us are born as individuals, and it is necessary to continue to change and adapt until you become the person you want to be. The time has come for you to achieve this as well.

A man going out to sea.

Keys that help you become the person you want to be

Carl Rogers was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century. His humanistic approach helped to create new perspectives and tools in personal development. These views are still useful today. One question for reflection that he pointed out was that every person wears a mask, or disguise, throughout life, almost without knowing it.

These masks are like a protection that helps you to be socially accepted. By using these masks, people hope to be accepted, including and even appreciated by others. Because of this, however, there may come a time when you hardly recognize yourself because you have so many masks or disguises that you wear when you are around others.

How can this happen? Well, it happens when you have lived your life oriented around others instead of focusing on your own values, ideals, dreams and desires.

Therefore, it is good to ask yourself the question: How do I become the person I want to be? You may have spent a lot of time isolating yourself from your inner voice. Thus, you need to start listening to yourself again. Only then can you start the transformation process. A path where you do not try to make a new you, but you let your real self emerge, the one you have kept silent for so long.

Here are some keys to help you with your transformation journey.

Clarify who you want to be, not who you “should be”

Many people spend their lives working on a version of themselves that does not even exactly match their own values. To put it another way, sometimes you may tend to focus more on the person you “should be” and not so much on the person you really “want to be”.

What should you do if you realize it’s you? How can you become the person you want to be?

  • First, specify how you want to see yourself in five years. Detail what kind of person you want to be, what you want to dedicate your life to, and who and what will surround you.
  • Then think about why you want to be that kind of person. Is it your own desire, or does something external affect you? Does the future version of yourself fit with your values?

Recognize your potential and identify your limitations

When you ask yourself, “How can I become the person I want to be?”, You must first consider your potential and your shortcomings. Do you have the skills and abilities to shape the future version of yourself? If so, recognize these abilities and start developing them further. Work to increase your strengths.

On the other hand, it is also important to identify your limitations. To do this, you need to free yourself from all the masks and disguises you have been hiding behind over the years.

When you do, you can find many fears and uncertainties. Someone who has been too focused on recognition and validation from others, needs time to restore and strengthen self-worth.

Take away your psychological strengths

Your feelings, thoughts and actions must be in harmony to achieve your goals. Your whole being must be oriented towards the life goals that mean your happiness. How can you feel more worthy and reach an optimal state of mind?

One way to achieve this is to activate what psychologists Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman in 2004 defined as mental strengths.

The following are the most relevant in this context:

  • Enthusiasm. That is what motivates hope. It is the energy that mobilizes your mind to move towards a common purpose, combining creativity, self-confidence and optimism.
  • Commitment. Developing a firm commitment to yourself and your goals is an important step to success.
  • Meaning. Everything you do, think and feel must have meaning, a goal. Nothing you do should be random.
  • Transcendence. This means having a purpose and wanting to strive for excellence. This concept is related to the top that Abraham Maslow commented on in his hierarchy of human needs, where one strives for self-realization.

Accept your fears, they are part of the transformation process

Another critical aspect of your journey to becoming who you want to be is acknowledging and accepting your fears. It is useless to try to hide them or deny their existence. No one can begin the most crucial adventure in life without fear. After all, fear is an indisputable part of our essence, of what human beings are.

The key is to keep moving forward despite the fears, to take risks despite holding them back, to work around the boundaries it creates. Doing so will show you that it is possible to continue to improve yourself every day.

A woman looking out to sea.

To become the person you want to be, choose the best path for yourself every day

To become the person you really want to be, remember this one aspect. Personal progress, improving yourself and transforming into a better version of yourself requires an understanding of how to choose the best path every day. Thus, if discouragement and frustration one day threaten to overwhelm you, choose which state of mind is best: defeat or overcome the challenge.

Here’s another scenario. What if another day you have two options in front of you ? Should you choose the easy way out and adapt to what others expect of you? Or should you continue alone, working on what you want? You must dare to decide for yourself, to think about what is the best decision for you in the long run.

Do not overlook the fact that well-being and happiness depends on you making decisions in every single turn. Making decisions with courage, while focusing on your goals, values ​​and expectations, will always be the best option. Always remember that.

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