Five Jane Goodall Quotes To Reflect On

Jane Goodall is best known for working with chimpanzees all her life. However, she is concerned with more than this.
Five Jane Goodall quotes to reflect on

These Jane Goodall quotes have a wonderful purpose: to restore human respect for nature. One of her goals has always been for people to take a closer look at themselves. Especially to get down from their proud pedestal and understand that species like primates also have emotions, intelligence, empathy and a social system.

In addition to being a primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist and UN messenger for peace, Jane Goodall is a legend. At the age of 85, she still wears her characteristic ponytail and has the calm smile and sensitive gaze of one who observes the world with a childlike curiosity. She is also one of the most revolutionary scientists in history.

Fifty years ago, Jane Goodall challenged the world and the most skeptical scientific community by showing that animals are also intelligent. Moreover, despite popular thinking, her field of study is not limited to chimpanzees. Another passion for this English ethologist is bird watching. She was one of the first people to talk about how mammals and birds are capable of more advanced thinking. For example, some animals may plan and solve simple problems, make tools for getting food, or organize themselves into social structures.

Her theoretical contributions have influenced many different subject areas such as psychology. Concepts such as self-awareness, empathy, altruism or deception are no longer exclusive attributes to humanity.

Jane Goodall and a primate

Jane Goodall quotes to reflect on

Jane Goodall showed us how closely we are connected to the great primates. Moreover, for this ethologist and primatologist , language is the only thing that separates us from them. With this in mind, people should reflect and define themselves in many aspects.

Let’s take a look at some of Jane Goodall’s quotes that mostly come from her books, such as In the Shadow of Man, Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey and My Life with the Chimpanzees

1. Animals have emotions

We said that at the beginning. Jane Goodall’s contributions to psychology are also remarkable. In fact, she has emphasized the need to study animal psychology since primates are not the only animals showing intelligence. Other animals also have social intelligence, complex emotions and a mind that is aware of itself.

Even our most common pets, such as dogs or cats, have personalities. Consequently, they have emotional needs and a level of empathy that is not only able to connect them with their own kind, but also with ours.

2. It does not matter who you are, but what you are capable of doing

This is one of the most interesting quotes from Jane Goodall. In it we find an idea that many other current anthropologists also believe in . The scientific community is obsessed with being able to explain our evolutionary past.

For Jane Goodall, it does not matter. What is relevant is what we do with our lives now.

Some Jane Goodall quotes come from her activist conferences

Harmony in the animal world, disagreement in the civilized world

This is without a doubt another wonderful reflection that speaks for itself. No animal would ever destroy its own home. Mankind has torn down trees, burned grasslands, destroyed savannas, polluted rivers, and polluted seas. We consider animals to be wild, but all they do is live in harmony. But we do the opposite.

4. Protect nature for our own mental health

Jane Goodall continues to raise awareness of the importance of conserving forests. Her goal is to protect nature and wildlife. However, she points out that our mental well-being is also at stake.

Nature is not only life, but it is also what makes life possible.

5. We have a responsibility

This is undoubtedly another mythical Jane Goodall quote. We have a responsibility for the many species we move from their habitats due to our insatiable greed. We do it to produce palm oil, to exploit our natural resources, and to destroy land to get essential minerals for the technology industry.

Goodall teaches us about more than just chimpanzees

We cause irreparable damage to our planet, to the animals, and also to ourselves. Messages like those in this article can help us become more aware and open our eyes. They help us descend from our high evolutionary horse to look at ourselves with more humility. Above all, we should start looking at other animals like our brothers and fellow citizens on earth, a planet that we do not care for as well as we should.

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