Do Not Underestimate Me, I Can Surprise You

Do not underestimate me, I can surprise you

According to a hugely popular saying , you never stop getting to know people, and when you think you know them, they surprise you. This is one of the most beautiful feelings you can feel for someone, unless it’s because you underestimated them. So do not underestimate people, because you may be wrong.

Every relationship needs to be renewed by learning new things about the other person you did not know before, especially if you can surprise each other. However, these findings have nuances that you need to be careful about, especially in situations where you have just met the person.

That said, everyone has a first impression of someone when they first meet. To a certain extent, this is completely human, and it does not have to be harmful ; it is rather involuntary. But if your first impression of someone is negative, be careful, because we tend to confirm our first impressions, instead of proving them wrong.

Do not underestimate me, try to really get to know me

It is true that some people talk more than they think, and say more than they know. You could even say that we have all done it before. However, this is not typical. Most of us say less than we know, think more than we talk, and notice more than we think.

woman with flower

This is a defense mechanism against the fear of being completely emotionally vulnerable in someone. And sometimes we just like to let others get to know us gradually so that things do not go too fast.

For these reasons, if you do not pay attention, you may miss knowing good people. And if you judge them in advance, you can make mistakes, which you will regret later. Allow them to teach you things, do not underestimate them, and do not label them. From now on, you cultivate healthy relationships so that you can always learn something from them.

If you underestimate me, that’s your problem

It is not good for your own sense of inner peace to underestimate yourself, but it also does not feel good when someone values ​​you less than you are worth. No one should have the audacity to make you feel small.

If this has ever happened to you and you knew how to react, you should feel good about having the courage. And if you did not know how to react, remember next time that people who underestimate you actually have a problem with themselves.

woman floating in the sea

People who behave that way probably have low self-esteem, but they do not know it. It is a response to their own inner turmoil, and they make others pay for it.

The smaller you think I am, the bigger I can be

Underestimating someone means we expect less from them, and this is when they surprise you. In fact, you may not know the true limits and potentials of other people, and people who think they can are wrong. In fact, when people bet the  least  on you, that’s when you’ll achieve your goals.

I’m tired of hearing people say they can easily “see through” people. They may as well boast that they do not give people enough chances to be how they first thought they should be.

It is common to think this way and label someone as unfriendly, and then act that way towards them, thus increasing the possibility of receiving the same treatment in return and confirming what you thought from the beginning.

man hanging up stars

There are so many wonderful people who do things you would never have imagined, and there are others who give you exactly what you need at just the right moment. People may surprise you with a small detail that shows that they know you better than you thought. These are the people who grow slowly but surely, because they believe in themselves, even when there are people around them who tell them they can not do it.

So do not let people underestimate you, do not underestimate them, and do not forget that someone may surprise you, because unseen and unexpected things are part of being human and thus part of life.

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