Can You Stop Your Chaotic Thoughts?

There is no easy way to stop your chaotic thoughts. Instead, you can gain control over them by not judging what comes to mind. Read more here!
Can you stop your chaotic thoughts?

You already think by not wanting to think, and then it becomes incredibly difficult to stop. Medication can help you with this, but since you really can not stop your chaotic thoughts (or at least it is not easy), you can try to observe and take control of what you are thinking.

The mind generates thoughts and feelings when it is awake. About 90% of them or more are unintentional. Sometimes when you get stuck in thoughts or feelings, you make them your own by mistake. Two or three seconds after you have shifted your focus to another thing, the thought usually disappears.

Focusing attention on a mental object usually results in pondering and agitation, thus increasing the likelihood of cognitive bias, such as the tendency to affirm. Confirmation tendencies tend to confirm the information that confirms assumptions, prejudices or hypotheses, whether they are true or not.

No matter how much you try, you can not change what you experience. However, you can stop resisting it. People today are so used to dealing with certain aspects of life that it happens almost automatically. Knowing how your thoughts arise in your mind can help you get rid of inner conflicts and improve relationships with others.


The sushi train metaphor to stop your chaotic thoughts

Imagine a black dog. In reality, it’s just a black dog. In your mind , however, you add your own elements. Maybe you think it looks like your ex’s dog. Thus, you begin to miss that you used to travel together and wish you were together.

You can not stop your chaotic thoughts, but you can look at them. This is synonymous with letting go of them. Basically, you should aim to see them come and go without chasing them or giving them more speed than they already have. Here is a video that explains the sushi metaphor that can help you “remove” yourself from useless and repetitive thoughts.

Being more compassionate also helps reduce the effects of negative events. It’s not about erasing the negative emotions that come with a tough moment. It’s about reducing their intensity.

Thoughts are nothing more than mere thoughts

What you are already thinking affects your perception of the world. If you try not to judge your thoughts, you will definitely have a kinder worldview, which can make you more confident when it comes to choosing your path in life.

Think about this for a moment. What information does your brain send when you keep thinking about an unpleasant situation? If you process this information emotionally, you will find yourself in a delicate place where your thoughts are distorted.

As we have also mentioned above, you cannot stop your negative automatic thoughts because they are often the result of distorted knowledge. However, you can identify and understand how they work to reduce relapse.

All your problems are mental illusions. In fact, there are no problems at all, just situations you have to face or accept before they change or until you are able to deal with them. You can not stop your chaotic thoughts, but you can give them the importance they deserve.

Life situations will make your mind evolve. You may be asking yourself, “How can I know what experience is making me grow?” The answer is simple: every single situation makes you grow.

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