Asking For Help Is Not The Same As Being Weak

Asking for help is not the same as being weak

Asking for help is not the same as weakness or vulnerability.  It is rather the opposite: asking for help is a brave act. By doing so, we accept our limitations and recognize that others also have a role in our own growth and development.

If we look at it this way, we can say that asking for help is a humble act that requires courage because through the request for help we recognize the value of other people and fight against the usual pressure to be independent of others and manage on our own. .

Man is made for cooperation and relationships with his own environment to support collective development. 

Trust is a cornerstone

When we ask for help, we also give a signal that we trust other people.  With this simple action, we strengthen our bonds. We are honest and consider those around us when we believe they can do something to help us.

We tend to believe that the request for socio-emotional support is a double-edged sword that will help others exploit us or damage our independence by threatening  our ability to do things on our own.

It is often negative experiences (a combination of disappointment and expectations) that make us think this way and make us hesitant when it comes to asking others for help with something.

We are not mistaken, but the truth is that  we can not live with the mistrust of believing that ” something will fall right into our heads when we walk down the street .”  By assuming this, we support the idea that the boundaries we set for ourselves are useful when the situation requires us to protect ourselves, and not afterwards.

Hands trying to ask for help

Asking for help is also a good way to start an interaction with someone, in addition to the fact that it is undeniably an important social ability to possess. When others have the opportunity to help us, it also makes them feel good. Therefore, it is far from selfishness to help others find a way to enjoy the beauty of human relationships and bonds that are established on the basis of our actions.

That is why we can put aside the need for pride and to feel infallible. Shame is not a useful feeling on some occasions.

Also, the fear of the negative is one of the most important factors. It causes us a fear of possibly being judged and seen as weak. To ask others for help, we need trust and a sense of security with other people. If we do not have these two pillars, this communication will never flow properly.

When we ask for help, we all benefit from it, because it is enriching both to be able to ask and to be able to give.  Because helping is wonderful, but allowing ourselves to be helped is no less amazing. It is definitely worth a try.

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