“Earworm “: Getting A Song On Your Brain

It can be troublesome to get a song on your mind and not be able to get rid of it. Musical psychologists point out that the likelihood of experiencing this phenomenon largely depends on your mood. Feeling stressed or nostalgic can increase the likelihood.

To get a song on the brain, or as they say in English; “Earworm”, is like falling into an endless circle. No matter how hard you try, it does not seem like you can stop it. And just when you think you’re over it, it comes back again. The song’s melody, lyrics and rhythm are like an echo bouncing around in your head. Sometimes this can be comfortable, especially if you like the song. But it can be frustrating when you can not stop thinking about the song you are not very fond of.

We all know that the brain is a rather mysterious organ. Such mysteries can be somewhat disturbing and strange at times, especially when we experience phenomena beyond our control. For example, it is known that 98% of all people have experienced this phenomenon at least once. But the University of British Columbia in Canada conducted a study that indicated that in 15% of cases it was an unpleasant experience for the individuals.

In these latter situations , obsessive-compulsive disorder may play a role. When it comes to this disorder, music can seem like a huge distraction to the individual. But for the rest, it is usually pointless. Most of the time, if not always, it becomes an anecdotal fact that we share in conversations, typically with the phrase: “You know, I do not get this song out of my head!”

“Earworm”: Getting a song on the brain

“Earworm” is the English term used by psychologists to describe this phenomenon. With this term, they refer to the catchy melodies that attach to your brain and that you just can not get rid of. Thus, many often say that this phenomenon is especially common with artists such as Lady Gaga, Queen, Abba, BeyoncĂ©, Adele, Coldplay, etc.

These musicians and singers probably make you experience this because the exposure of their songs is higher. They are popular artists, which may be why you hear their songs on the radio or in the store more often. Either way, it is possible to get any song on the brain; regardless of the melody, chorus, or the person singing it.

It is even possible to suffer from this phenomenon without having to listen to specific music. In fact, sometimes it’s enough that something reminds you of a certain song that it’s sticking in your head all of a sudden. Has this ever happened to you? Let’s look at what some experts say about why someone gets a song on their mind.

The simpler it is, the easier it attaches to the brain

Most composers and music producers know this well. The simpler and more repetitive a song is, the more catchy it becomes and the more likely the public will remember it.

Dr. Kelly Jakubowski from Durham University, showed in a study how this phenomenon is easily produced by these types of musical compositions.

Song on the brain: Your mood also shows influence

This data is certainly very interesting. The next time you find yourself rehearsing a song in your head over and over, gain some insight and find out how you feel in this moment.

Expert in musical psychology, Dr. Vicky Williamson, explained that on average, it is more common to be receptive to experiencing this phenomenon when you are stressed, or have not had enough sleep, or even when you feel nostalgic.

Somehow, it is as if a tired or sentimental brain has a greater predisposition to initiate repetition patterns, especially when it comes to musical stimuli.

Your memory acts as a trigger

We’ve already talked a bit about this. It is not always necessary to listen to a song in a specific place, on your smartphone, on the radio, or in a store for you to think about it all the time. In some cases, you are the one who initiates this phenomenon by remembering a letter, a melody, a song from the past, etc.

A trigger can suddenly appear in your surroundings. The shoes you got on that car ride, the candy that reminds you of your childhood, or when your grandmother sang a specific song for you.

If there is one thing we know, it is that the brain loves to remember. Your emotional memory is associated with your musical memory, so much so that these structures are rarely damaged by neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Is it possible to stop a song on the brain?

Sometimes you can feel extremely bothered when you get a song on your mind. Especially when you can not stop thinking about a song you do not like. To break out of this repetitive mechanism that your brain has started, it is important to keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Repeating for yourself things like “I’m going to block this song from my brain so I stop thinking about it” is pretty pointless. The brain is rebellious, and thus it will do the opposite of what you are trying to do. It’s like when you say to yourself, ‘I’ll finally be able to fall asleep,’ when you’re suffering from insomnia. This will only make it harder for you to fall asleep.
  • The best thing you can do is let yourself be. Do not oppose it – try to accept the penetrating song. This phenomenon ends up weakening itself little by little.
  • Another effective resource is to listen to the whole song once. If the specific chorus occurs in your head, it is best to play the whole song. This will, on average, cause it to lose its effect.

Finally, neurologists point out that it is recommended to chew gum to reduce the intensity of this phenomenon. Jaw movements disrupt musical memory. It is also important to note that this phenomenon usually lasts less than 24 hours.

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