Platonic Love: Wishes That Will Never Be Satisfied

Platonic love: Wishes that will never be satisfied

Plato once said that we only love what we want, and we only want what we do not have, and this is what Platonic love is.

In his day, people already felt the destructive feeling that we are all too familiar with today as well: permanent dissatisfaction with life.

This feeling seems to occur most often in romantic relationships. There are so many people who idealize love. They need it to be perfect, in just the right amount.

This nostalgic romance, this love of falling in love (and not with a particular person), is what makes us feel constantly dissatisfied. This idea of ​​love is not based on reality. Rather, it is based on the imagination of what could be or could have been.

In the rare cases when this platonic form of love leads to a relationship, the person feels busy, intoxicated. It covers for the emptiness that made them suffer so much.

Platonic love: desire and pleasure

There are so many people who just find joy in desire. Longing, dreaming, hoping and idealizing is what makes them move forward.

But when they actually get what they want, they get bored. When they have what should make them feel complete, there is no more room for desire.

Heart balloons at sunset

They end up running away, fleeing in search of a new dose of longing and desire. Because that’s what really makes them feel alive.

Even if they suffer, it is sweet and addictive. They think  there should be something better out there. If it is not, they still have not found it yet, and they continue to look for it.

We often believe that happiness is found elsewhere. If we could just find where it seems to be waiting for us, our dissatisfaction would disappear.

But  in the end, we realize that this is not really the case. In fact, we already have everything we need to feel whole. If we only knew how to change a few things in our daily lives – the ones that rarely cost money – we would not have to look for happiness elsewhere.

Learn to love what you have

It is perfectly normal to feel like something you do not have, and in most cases it is a positive source of motivation. But when desire becomes a need and leads to pain and suffering, that is when you get stuck and begin to feel empty, dissatisfied and dissatisfied.

Therefore, it is important to learn to love what you have, whether it is your relationship, your job, your friends or the city you live in. There are many positive things in all the things that other people themselves would want.

You need to wipe the stains of routines and disillusions of your glasses,  replace your glasses, and voluntarily change those aspects of your life that you do not like. And do it with as much hope as possible.

Girl sleeping on heart pillow

If you are able to appreciate and be grateful for every day you live, then you will stop missing the things you never had. You learn to live in the present and to be happy with what is happening. You will accept adversity and get something positive out of every experience.

Do not let your mind wander to the future and constantly complain about your life. Stay where you are, take a chance, and change what you do not like about your life.

But not long for perfection or impossible dreams that will never come true. What you already have is perfect, so why not start taking advantage of it?

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