Living With The Mother’s Pain Is Difficult For A Child

Living with the mother's pain is difficult for a child

Mom, I do not want to lose you. I do not want to. I refuse. That’s why I need you to take care of yourself. I need you to keep fighting, not to give up. Do not lose your smile, talk to me with tenderness every day, maintain your spark, protect your essence.

Therefore, I beg you never to give up, mother. Even if you have to face a thousand- and-a-half matches. You trust my back for support, a backbone forged in the purest, deepest and most eternal love. A love that I can account for and give throughout my life.

Together we will move forward and overcome any obstacle that tries to stand between us and in the path of life. That’s why, mother, I ask you never to leave me, to be strong. I promise I will stand by your side to take care of you as long as our journey in this world will last.

I am aware that because of the simple rules of life, I may have to live without your presence. However, I can assure you that you will always remain in my heart. Because my journey through life could not have happened if it were not for you. But it does not alleviate my fear…

Mother and daughter go on train tracks

Living with the pain of a mother, a difficult process for the children

Our inner child is not afraid of monsters or darkness, nor is he afraid of strangers or chaos. What our inner child fears is losing our contacts, our reference persons. We fear that we will not remember their smell, that our eyes will not be able to see their hair and that our heart will not feel their warmth.

Throughout her life, a woman takes on a large number of roles: mother, daughter, boyfriend, partner, woman, etc. Then comes the point where she gathers endless amounts of priorities. Keeping track of these roles is very complicated if we remember that we live in a society that imposes certain obligations on women, just because they are women.

We add the social mandate about women’s role of suffering, the role of being a mother, in addition to the unique vital difficulties she may experience. In turn, we get an extremely explosive cocktail that can make the person who gave us life suffer enormously.

Mother and daughter doing yoga

This pain that we see our mothers exposed to is extremely devastating to us as children. We see our mothers as warriors whose strength is dwindling. Still, and because of this tough process, it is inevitable that at some point we will invert our roles as children and play “our mother’s mothers / fathers” . When we take on this role, we want to protect them and prevent their suffering.

We become the  “first-time parents” who fear that their children will fall off the swing. Therefore, as children, we must become protectors. We work as the engine that brings back the vital security of an injured person. Then we realize the enormous power that exists in the female world and more specifically in the mother’s world.

Those who have lived through a similar experience know that it is not easy to deal with this. But without a doubt, it makes us take some steps on the road to emotional growth and development. The emotional commitment to protect our mother when we feel vulnerable gives us an awareness. A type of consciousness that is very powerful in itself. At the same time, it wears out, hurts and destroys our inner balance, at least for a short while.

Because you are never prepared to lose your mother. Therefore, you discover a great strength in yourself that allows you to go one step further. You become an angel who heals the wounds of your injured mother. Then something wonderful happens in our inner world. Because the warm gaze of our inner child learns to live with an adult’s conscience. And it is without a doubt a step towards maturity.

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