Never Forget Who You Are, The World Will Not Do It

“Never forget who you are, the world will not do that. Use it as armor and it will never hurt you. ” This is what Tyrion Lannister says to Jon Snow in the fifth episode of the first season of Game of Thrones.

Forgetting who you are, our history, our past, makes us vulnerable. All that history is experience and knowledge, and therefore a learning opportunity, both for ourselves and for the world. Our past is who we are, no matter how much it hurts and weighs us down. 

Regardless, when we forget where we come from, or hide a past that we are ashamed of or that is difficult to think about, or ignore our limitations,  there are some things that will never change. The first thing is the thing that no one can change. The second is that no matter how much we want not to see it, everyone else will be able to see it. So the more we try not to see, the more we will increase the damage it can cause us.

Accept your weaknesses

By accepting your weaknesses, you not only have an opportunity to become stronger, but you can also take away the benefit from those who want to use something against you. You have to face your weaknesses and laugh at yourself, so that when others do the same, you are ready for it. That is why it is good to dive into something very essential, namely to know oneself.

Woman with pink hair

This work of knowing oneself  and having self-insight will open the doors that must be opened to develop all the abilities you need to become the person you want to be. In addition to that, you will discover what you really want for yourself.

And thanks to the work you have put into gaining self-awareness, you will also discover which of your behaviors are inherited and part of the family heritage. Do not forget that many of the things we do or believe are solely a legacy of the past that haunts us and prevents us from doing what makes us grow as human beings. This is the way children have to pay for their parents’ sins.

When you know yourself, you are aware of your own identity, your own set of values ​​and your own ambitions.  Then it is easier for you to find your weaknesses and limitations. You can also let your strengths and abilities come to the surface, perhaps there are many who may have been overshadowed by your weaknesses and your past.

By knowing yourself, you can learn how to react to events, not only by developing new talents but also learning to deal with your own behavior by dealing with the problems that arise.

No one can decide for you if you know yourself

“When you accept your weaknesses, no one can use them against you,” Tyrion  told Jon in the same scene. And he did not say it for no reason. If you know yourself well, you can not be manipulated. Your weaknesses can no longer be used as a weapon of attack and become a defense for your opponents. This will strengthen the confidence you have in yourself and your self-esteem.

Woman running in the desert

If you know yourself well, if you are aware of your own weaknesses, do not forget that you have the opportunity to control the mind that your weaknesses lead to for you.  You will then be able to forgive all those who may be responsible and know how to take responsibility for what you have done. But above all, you will be able to decide what is going to happen now and in the future.

By acknowledging your weaknesses and accepting your own limitations, you have all your cards on the table. These may not be the best cards, but they are the ones you have been dealt, and they are the ones you have to play with. In this game, if you do not play your cards, the other person will play for you, and it will be to his or her own advantage, not yours. It’s much smarter to play by yourself – do not let anyone else decide your own destiny!

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