Why Do We Like To Go After Toxic People?

If your boyfriend treats you badly all the time, you need to ask yourself if the person is actually good for you.
Why do we like to go after toxic people?

When we put our confidence in the hands of people who like to control us and exercise their power over us, we may end up feeling that we want it back. Honestly, this is a clear representation of a lack of self-respect. Our self-image should not be affected by what others think of us. In fact , we should not accept any kind of conditional “love” that is peppered with rejection and abuse. We go after toxic people when we do not love and respect ourselves.

True love is nothing but the inevitable desire to help others and show our authenticity. Going after toxic people means driving away from who we really are to find someone else. Basically, we forget to a certain extent who we are, and only consider others.

When we are in a relationship, and we realize that our boyfriend does not mind hurting us, we realize that they do not care about us as much as we want them to. This happens because love blinds us. We reach a point where we are unable to tell if we are in a relationship with a toxic person, with someone who loves to exploit us to their own advantage.

Woman crying

You do not have to go after toxic people

When there is true love, caring for our partner is something that comes from the heart. Now that does not mean that we should not care if it is not mutual because reciprocity is important. If we notice that our partner is hurting us all the time, there is nothing to do but put an end to this.

If your boyfriend treats you badly all the time, you need to ask yourself if the person is actually good for you. Why be with someone who does not make you feel good? Answer this question as sincerely as possible, as it will help you realize if you really want to be with them forever.

Saying goodbye to someone we love can be hurtful even when they are not good for us. This is normal. It’s okay to have mixed feelings and feel pain when you realize you will never kiss your partner again. However, the last kiss can save you from other bittersweet. After all, removing toxic people from your life is the way to happiness.

Toxic people are difficult to deal with, they play with our minds and immerse us in a pool of self-confidence. When our partner continually hurts us, we may end up feeling that we do not even know ourselves anymore. Being abused becomes the norm, something we should never let happen. We are the only ones who can stop before emotional pain. Do not forget that love begins with self-love.


Obsession, fear of being alone, hope or affection?

Remember that relationships end all the time. It may be difficult at first, but the only way to overcome your pain is by accepting the fact that it is over. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible for you to handle the situation properly and your pain will turn into obsession, fear, hope or affection.

Some psychologists have argued that heartache can be more painful than grief. According to this theory, grief ends with acceptance. But when a party does not seem to accept the fracture, the pain can continue to the point where it never heals.

Obsessions, excessive fear of being alone and affection show that you worship the other person and do not love yourself.

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