Positive Thinking – 5 Ways To Do It

Positive Thinking - 5 Ways to Do This

Did you know that the saying “When one door closes, another opens” comes from the short story Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes? You may be wondering what this is all about. Keep reading and you will discover it, and we will tell you about the best tips for positive thinking and a positive mental attitude.

Perhaps the saying that opened the article has been so well used that the meaning and strength of it has been slightly weakened. But it does not seem to have lost any of its meaning. It is a sentence that shows, in an environment as tragicomic as in Cervante’s book, that there is still an open door to hope.

A positive mental attitude allows us to differentiate, as Cervantes managed to do in his novel, which has gone down in history as one of the greatest literary works ever. This implies that one should always leave a small streak of hope between realism and pessimism.

The keys to positive thinking and a  positive mental attitude

It is precisely the last situation, a small strip that opens up to hope, which can be a bright spot that prevents us from sabotaging and feeling sorry for ourselves due to lost opportunities. It will make us go out and seek new opportunities and make the best of them.

An optimistic woman who smiles

Even if you are positive, it does not mean that you have to go around smiling and being happy all the time. You can not be happy all the time, but you can not be unhappy all the time. That is why it is important not to give up, to keep hoping. You need to see the glass as half full and not focus on one black dot on a white sheet. 

But to achieve this attitude, it is important that you know how to do it. That is why we offer you these key points. If you have the right mentality, and a certain ability to handle your thoughts and attention, it will not be difficult to acquire a positive attitude. One that allows you to see the world from a less pessimistic point of view.

Do not confuse pessimism with realism

Psychologist Arturo Torres gives us a set of keys to creating a positive mental attitude in our lives. The first key, according to what has been mentioned above, has a lot to do with realism. But this does not have to have anything to do with pessimism.

When everything seems to fall apart around us, reality seems more threatening and negative. But if we let unrest fill our minds, everything around us will have the same tone, in our eyes. No matter how true this is or not. In that way, negative deformation and distortion of reality is a trap that we create for ourselves.

Set specific goals

Realism is not synonymous with pessimism, but it does not include hopes or impossible dreams. The truth is that we have the power to build a path full of concrete goals that are achievable. Achieving one of these goals will therefore give cause for joy and happiness. This will give us energy and strength to move towards the next goal. By creating this mentality, we gain access to a very powerful source of information.

Surround yourself with positive people

The surroundings are also a key. If the people around you have a positive attitude, it will be much easier for you to be optimistic and hopeful as well. This is how the environment stimulates and motivates you. Otherwise, the result will of course be the exact opposite.

Three girlfriends laughing

Find long-term projects

It is good for you to set achievable goals, but achieving those goals should lead you to something. And this is where the long-term project comes into the picture. A group of simple, aggregate goals should lead to one that is much larger. That should be the purpose of the steps you take.

Think about what you want to achieve and make it a reality. Start from where you are here and now. Try to let everything you do help you move forward towards bigger goals. In many cases, this involves personal development. A stable foundation here and now is a good foundation for future happiness and satisfaction.

Use empathy, not blackmail

Do not do services for others just so you can claim services back later. Behaving in this way is actually a form of blackmail. But if you offer help because you really want to help, out of pure empathy, we change your attitude towards the world and become more positive.

Make a note of these 5 keys, from Arturo Torres, and shared by us today, to achieve positive thinking on a positive mental attitude. It’s not about being the happiest person in the world. It’s about trying to be the happiest version of yourself. By giving the best you have to offer, you will reach your goal faster than expected.

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