What Does It Mean To Suffer From The Messiah Complex?

Although helping others is considered a positive thing, it can hurt you if you do it for the wrong reasons. Learn about the messiah complex here.
What does it mean to suffer from the messiah complex?

Helping others is considered a good thing. If you are altruistic, you love to improve other people’s lives. Society tries to reward this type of people. However, is it always a good idea to help others? According to the messiah complex, it is not.

The Messiah complex is when a person feels the constant need to help. This mindset leads the individual to act in extreme ways, some of which can even be harmful.

In this article, we will delve deeper into this complex so that you can better understand it. This way you will be able to avoid situations where something as positive as giving a helping hand can hurt you.

What is the messiah complex?

A person suffering from the messiah complex feels the constant impulse to save others. They have a strong urge to seek out people who need help and help them. These people often sacrifice their own needs, desires and dreams for the sake of others.

The problem is that this can lead to toxic conditions. In general, people with the messiah complex tend to develop addictive relationships, which is very harmful.

The Messiah complex can make people feel that they need to solve everyone's problems.

In dependent relationships, one of the partners constantly needs the other. Thus, they feel that they can not live without their partner. This means that the Messiah’s behavior is reinforced by his partner’s dependence. After a while, however, this dynamic will exhaust them.

None of the partners in dependent relationships based on the messiah complex will be happy. The love addict’s self-esteem will generally suffer as time goes on, while the Savior will feel overwhelmed and blame his partner.

We should emphasize that this dynamic can also manifest itself between friends, family members, colleagues, etc. However, it is more common in romantic relationships.

How to avoid it?

Below we share some tips to help you avoid getting into addictive relationships. If you think you are suffering from the messiah complex, using these tips can help you.

  • Remember that you are only responsible for yourself. Each person must control their own life, emotions and actions. This is why you are not obligated to save someone if it does not make you happy.
  • Learn how to say “no”. Many people find it difficult to say “no” to their loved ones. Still, not doing so can lead to addiction and resentment. Therefore, you need to resort to techniques like self confidence because they can help improve your relationship.
  • Establish boundaries. You should decide how far you want to go when it comes to helping others. Is there something you really do not like to do? At what point does helping others become a burden to you?
  • Put your own happiness first. Most people grow up with the notion that being worried about their own well-being before others is selfish. But if something is going to make you unhappy, there is no point in doing so. If you really want to help, you can try to find a way to do it that does not hurt you.
A woman who looks out over a landscape.

If you want to free yourself from the messiah complex, all you have to do is remember that you are only responsible for your own happiness and your own well-being.

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