Exercising Regularly: 5 Tips To Get Started

Exercising regularly: 5 tips to get started

Starting to exercise regularly is not easy. The slack you feel the first day – or the first weeks – makes you quickly put the whole idea of ​​exercise on the shelf. Therefore, we have decided to share some simple tips on how to increase your willpower and enjoy the benefits that regular exercise actually provides.

Tips for starting to exercise regularly

1. Define what exercising means to you

The concept of “training” is usually not particularly well defined. Exercising can involve anything from playing football to dancing, jogging, yoga, swimming or going to a gym. To get started training and succeed in making it a habit, it is therefore essential that you decide what kind of training you want to start with. It should be something you like and that you can easily make a routine. In addition, there should of course be something that gives you the results you want.

The back of a woman running through a park

If your main goal is to increase muscle mass, you can sign up at a fitness center and start exercising with weights. If you want to lose weight or lose weight, regular jogging can be a good alternative. If you want the training to be a social occasion where you can meet new people at the same time as you train, you should go for a team sport.

In addition, the fact that you have defined what kind of training you want to do will also give you a clearer goal. Instead of thinking that you should go out and run from time to time, your goal should be, for example, to run a walk around the park every morning. A clear goal will make it easier for you to focus on the activity and to do it more often.

2. Start with training that is easy to achieve

If you are not used to exercising, intense forms of exercise can quickly wear you out. And it makes you hate the idea of ​​exercising more often. Therefore, it is wise to start with lighter forms of exercise that do not require much. They can help you get started and develop a habit without feeling lazy or totally exhausted while doing them. As your body slowly but surely begins to get used to the activity, you can begin to increase the intensity.

3. Find an activity that can serve as a reminder to exercise

This is an important link that helps you remember to exercise. Various reminders can help you to be conscious when it is time to exercise so that you do not subconsciously skip or forget to exercise. Such a reminder should be another activity that is already an established habit. It should be so internalized in your everyday life that you can not forget it.

For example, you choose to exercise just before you brush your teeth, before the first cup of coffee in the morning or just after you have made the bed. Once you have decided on a reminder, you can return to our first tip: to choose an activity that you will do at a specific place and at a specific time.

4. Choose a healthy reward

A good way to motivate yourself to exercise regularly is to find a reward that you can enjoy after completing your training. It can make it easier to get over laziness and at the same time give you something to look forward to. You will also feel good thanks to the well-being that physical activity brings.

The reward you choose should still be relatively healthy. You can choose to take a relaxing bath with fragrant oils or drink a cup of tea. Or maybe just take the time to sit down and listen to music. A reward for smoking a cigarette or eating a piece of chocolate will be quite counterproductive.

Smiling woman lying on the grass listening to music

5. Keep track of your progress

To see the results of your training and to keep the good habit, you can, for example, take pictures of yourself from week to week. You can also measure the size of your muscles, such as your abdomen, biceps and thighs.

Seeing yourself lose weight and become more muscular will make you more aware of the good results of your physical activity. This will motivate you to keep going. You can also take advantage of several mobile applications that help you keep track of your training routines and various activities.

As you can see, starting to exercise regularly is not that easy. It is about making training a routine, a part of everyday life. However, it has significant benefits. A healthy lifestyle gives you energy and improves your mental state.

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