Start A Relationship With Real Conversations

Start a relationship with real conversations

When we start a relationship, we can often move forward quickly and see ourselves and the other person in different scenarios. These are the early stages, and we want to put our best foot forward in every way.

The scenarios mean that we place more emphasis on fixing ourselves. We want the other person to like us! We are friendlier and show our softer side… When we fall in love, we are filled with happiness and it is even difficult for us to get angry.

The difficulties of love

The flirting phase, the beginning of the relationship, falling in love and finally choosing our partner, can be a little overwhelming. When we fall in love, we are both ourselves but not at the same time.

If we like that person, we must hide our faults, our differences… and we do it both consciously and unconsciously. We envision the other person as our “ideal” partner.

But over time when that stage has passed, we often hear things like, “Well, you were not like that! You never told me you did not like…! But when we met,…! ”

So why do not we do things a little differently? We can still smile, flirt and offer our best smile, but we can also ask questions that will affect our relationship in the future.

A questionnaire with love!

Everything can be part of the conversation, even in the early stages of love. It all depends on the sensitivity and intelligence we say it with.

We want to know more about the person who attracts us so much, and that person also wants to know who we are.

Why can we not soar in the clouds, feel butterflies in our stomachs and at the same time show ourselves who we are and point out what we want for our present and our future as a couple?

We give you a questionnaire (with love!) So that you can somehow start to “drop” a few questions that will make things clearer to you about the person who is about to become special to you and is a you want a long term relationship with.


There are people who can not imagine a relationship that does not result in marriage. For others, however, marriage has no meaning and even provokes a certain form of rejection.

What if your partner does not want to get married and for you it is your biggest wish in life ? Or the opposite?

Knowing what the other person thinks about marriage can be important for their future.


Having children or not is an important decision in our lives. No one should sacrifice this important decision for a partner.

In fact, many couples and marriages break up because of this problem. So before things get out of hand, why not air the question at the beginning of a relationship?


Religion unites or does the opposite. Religion marks a pattern of behavior in people’s lives. Can you be with a person of a different faith than your own? To do this, ask what their beliefs are.


There are people who place great emphasis on money. They cannot be happy if they do not have material things. However, there are others who prefer to work less and have more free time for example.

The question of money is also guaranteed to determine a person’s lifestyle. Is your lifestyle the same as theirs? Think about it.

Our personality and lifestyle

Everyone is different. There are people who are adventurous, quiet, shy, outgoing… We may not like to get up from our chair while our partner likes to rafting…

Do you think both of you could be compatible for a relationship? You almost just have to figure it out.

Love is a difficult issue, but like everything in life, “talking helps people understand”.

You of all people are the ones who need to know what is and is not important to you in a relationship. Talk to your partner and decide for yourself.

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