Time Is The Best Gift You Can Give A Child

Time is the best gift you can give a child

Time is the best gift one can give children. They do not sell this either in the toy store or on the Internet. This can only be found with us, at our disposal and in our conscious choice that a story does not need to be read within 2 minutes.

Dedicating time to the children does not mean giving them a mobile phone, a tablet or turning on the favorite channel on the TV. Nor is this upbringing, love or care.

Childhood is one of the most important stages in our lives and is where we lay the foundation for our development. Children go through thousands of changes that we adults sometimes do not even perceive if we are not attentive enough.

Quiet upbringing

Raising and sharing moments calmly means respecting the rhythms of the children, giving them space so that they can develop, not skipping stages, and letting them develop without the stress and demands that are to be found in our society.

This is an upbringing perspective based on a calm philosophy, which shows how important it is to favor a life with a calm rhythm in order to promote maturity, development and relationship formation in relation to the child’s natural progress. All without haste.

In this way, you will not force developmental stages, but support the small one. You will also be able to offer an upbringing with psychological input, and forget to penetrate every thing they learn, every single caress, and every motive.

Girls out

Time is the best gift: Do not let haste make you miss the magic of childhood

Urgence is our worst guide. It causes us to lose precious moments and wonderful details from the magic of childhood. If we now stop and think a little, we may be able to rectify this.

Doing homework, cleaning the house, showering, football at 16.00, birthday at 20.00, dinner at 22.00… we are busy all day… at full gallop. What exactly do we want to achieve with this? Are we really aware of what we and the children are missing out on here?

Probably not. We should reflect on whether we offer enough time to our children, whether we play enough with them and whether we organize everyday life so that we enjoy moments that we dedicate only to being with them.

Therefore, there are some things that are important to do:

  • Put down the haste from early on. Wake up lovingly your kids and offer a breakfast made with love and care.
  • Eat all meals with them without the presence of distractions such as television or newspapers. You can play the titei game, talk about everyday things and go deeper into how emotions are expressed.
  • It’s nice to be able to create a “secret moment” where you only talk about private things in confidence.
  • You can go on excursions to quiet places, natural surroundings, and places that invite us to explore and experience something together.
Girl and elephant in exciting surroundings
  • It’s nice to be able to take a bath once in a while instead of taking a quick shower.
  • It is important to allow them to make choices as well, as we sometimes take over their daily lives and reject their longings, expectations and decisions.
  • Turn off the cell phone and other electronic devices that require a lot of our attention.
  • Sometimes we should be able to throw ourselves down anywhere in the home for simply not doing anything.
  • Find toys that awaken their creativity, intelligence and emotional abilities.

We must not allow childhood to be marked by haste or the bad habits we find in today’s society. It is not the current command center for comics or the latest version of the Disney dolls that is the best gift one can give. The best gift is to be able to share the most precious thing we have in life that we will never get back: time.

Photos by Karin Taylor

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