5 Steps To Mindfulness That Will Change Your Life In 15 Days

5 steps to mindfulness that will change your life in 15 days

Big changes come from small shocks, small daily changes that have the power to change your life for the better. Mindfulness can help us with this, and these five steps will help us learn to be more aware of the present and to make room for real change in a short time.

Clearly, when it comes to happiness, there are no miracles . But it is willpower and having an open mind so, day by day, little by little, we want to be more concerned with everything that is happening around us. To see the possibilities, to walk through the door when it opens.

One of the biggest things that keeps us from opportunities is without a doubt  wandering thoughts. In fact, according to many studies, we spend between 30 and 40% of our time on “autopilot”.

We live our lives stuck in a ditch, where we are passengers and not drivers, so that fate determines our happiness for us.

That’s not good enough. Make a change! We invite you to include these five steps in your life to see results in just 15 days.

1. Be receptive to your emotions: The best time to pay attention to them is NOW

Mindfulness, more than anything else, is a philosophy of life, a tool for developing full awareness in the present.

  • None of this would make sense if we were not aware of our feelings. We cannot move emotions such as disappointment, anger and irritation to a separate room in our brain .
  • We must deal with and follow these emotions, take control of the inner world and not postpone it.

2. Mindfulness teaches you to stop judging

Learn to live your life without judging. People have the right to live their lives as they wish.

  • Your life is your own, so be responsible for it and do not judge life that you do not live. Something as simple as this can help you reach a state of peace and balance that starts even today.

3. Be receptive, listen, and learn to be present

Mindfulness, stones and a flower

Does! Turn off the incessant sound of your thoughts right now.

  • Right now, open your eyes, but do not just see. Instead, “see” with greater peace all that surrounds you.
  • Slow down the pace of your life, stop and breathe.
  • Now, learn to listen. You have “heard” sounds for a long time, but now is the time to feel, see and listen from your heart, from the center of the brain.

Similarly,  another exceptional tool for learning to be more present is better control over your time. If you want to have a fuller life, it is necessary that you learn to use adequate mental filters and that you concentrate all your energy and resources to live the life you want.

4. Add page “I need to be” to practice “I am”

We go through most of our lives as the person that others want us to be. We force ourselves to fit in, to be what the other wants… All this is a source of unnecessary suffering, and slowly takes us towards misfortune.

  • Make changes. Replace “I must be” with “I am”.
  • Meditation can be very helpful in reminding us of who we are and in connecting with our true selves in the present.

An important tool for Mindfulness is meditation, and courses such as “Mindfulness for daily life” by Félix Torán can also help you get there.

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5. Practice acceptance

Practicing acceptance in daily life does not mean that you should give in to everything that happens around you.

  • It means first and foremost accepting ourselves and the feelings we feel.
  • Acceptance also gives us the opportunity to understand the lives of others and to respect them.
  • In the same way, acceptance is the language of the heart. It is tolerance and understanding. Only by doing this will we be able to make changes.

Finally, you can see these 5 steps as lenses that you look through to see the world.

Mindfulness is the best framework for moving closer to a fuller and more authentic happiness. Do not hesitate to use the tools of mindfulness and let experts in the field help you.

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